image of the Top 20 YouTube Channels for Cyber Security in India

Top 20 YouTube Channels for Cyber Security

In this day and age of advanced digital technology, the importance of cybersecurity is greater than it has ever been before.  It is necessary to keep a current awareness of the most recent threats and patterns, irrespective of whether you are an experienced expert or just beginning your route. This is particularly true for those who are just starting out.  For anyone interested in learning about cybersecurity, YouTube provides a wealth of free resources to choose from.

This collection of resources includes anything from classes that are appropriate for novices to in-depth technical discussions.  In order to aid you in navigating this vast world, Bytecode Security, which is the Best Cybersecurity Training Institute in India, has compiled a list of the Top 20 YouTube channels for cybersecurity. Among the channels that are mentioned on the list are the following:

For Enthusiasts and Beginners:

  1. John Hammond: John Hammond simplifies and condenses the complex concepts that are associated with cybersecurity by providing explanations that are both straightforward and succinct.
  2. Bytecode Security:  An extremely well-known cybersecurity training institute that is located in the National Capital Region (NCR) broadcasts its world-class training sessions. These sessions are led by exceptional training instructors who have more than ten years of experience in their respective fields of cybersecurity.
  3. LiveOverflow: On the website LiveOverflow, it is possible to find content that is both engaging and informative, covering a wide range of topics related to cybersecurity, including ethical hacking.
  4. David Bombal: David Bombal is committed to providing you with helpful cybersecurity tips and practices in order to reduce the risk of cyberattacks while you are using the internet.
  5. The Cyber Mentor: Career help and recommendations are offered by The Cyber Mentor to individuals who are interested in pursuing a career in the field of cybersecurity.

For Professionals and Tech Geeks:

  1. Black Hat: In the course of their renowned security conferences, Black Hat conducts presentations and conversations in which specialists from the sector share their experiences.
  2. NetworkChuck: In addition to covering a wide range of topics related to information technology, NetworkChuck places a specific emphasis on cybersecurity.
  3. Hak5: On a more specific level, Hak5 goes extensively into a wide variety of hacking tools and tactics, with a special focus on ethical hacking.
  4. Computerphile: Computerphile is a publication that investigates the science that supports cybersecurity in a way that is not only intriguing but also instructional.
  5. Infosec: When it comes to the topic of cybersecurity, the group known as Infosec provides comprehensive information on the most recent vulnerabilities and threats that have been discovered.

For Specific Interests:

  1. Null Byte: Null Byte is committed to generating content that is not only intriguing but also useful regarding a wide range of hacking tools and techniques.
  2. Cybrary: Cybrary provides members with access to a wide range of free online courses that cover a variety of cybersecurity-related topics.
  3. SANS Institute InfoSec: SANS Institute’s information is the information that is delivered. The book InfoSec is written by prominent figures in the business and covers a wide variety of subjects that are associated with cybersecurity.
  4. Strange Loop: The purpose of the demonstrations and lectures that are a part of Strange Loop is to study the technical elements of cybersecurity.
  5. Cyber Security Club: The Cyber Security Club offers a wide range of content on a wide number of topics related to cybersecurity, including material that is both fundamental and intermediate in its level of complexity.

For Niche Areas:

  1. TCM Security: Application security and web hacking techniques are the key areas of focus for TCM Security during their research and development efforts.
  2. InsiderPHD: InsiderPHD investigates the field of hacking, specifically focusing on social engineering and human hacking as an area of investigation.
  3. Power DMARC: In addition to addressing the issue of email security, Power DMARC has the capability to guard against phishing attacks.
  4. MalwareTech: In addition to providing a study of reverse engineering techniques, MalwareTech provides a full examination of harmful software.
  5. CCS Learning Academy: An extensive range of information technology security certifications are covered by the content that can be found on CCS Learning Academy.


About the Top 20 YouTube Channels for Cyber Security

1: What are the best YouTube channels for learning Cyber Security?

There are a lot of channels on YouTube that are excellent for learning about cybersecurity, but some of the greatest ones are as follows:

  • For Beginners: John Hammond, Bytecode Security, LiveOverflow, David Bombal, etc.
  • For Intermediate Learners: Network Chuk, Black Hat, Hak5, etc.
  • Expanding Your Knowledge: Null Byte, Cybrary, Strange Loop, etc.

2: Why should I choose YouTube for learning Cyber Security?

The following are some of the benefits that YouTube provides for learning cybersecurity:

  • Free,
  • Variety,
  • Accessibility,
  • Visual Learning, etc.

3: Which is the best YouTube channel for cyber security?

There is no one “best” channel because it is dependent on the way you learn and the goals you have for yourself. However, all of the channels that were stated in response 1 are possibilities that have received excellent ratings.

4: Can I learn cyber security from YouTube?

There is a lot of information regarding cybersecurity that can be found on YouTube. When it comes to laying a foundation and exploring different aspects of the profession, this is an excellent platform to use. YouTube, on the other hand, might not be enough to provide in-depth knowledge or professional qualifications that are sufficient.

5: Which is the best cyber security course in India?

The best cybersecurity course in India is the one propagated by Bytecode Security, the best cybersecurity training institute in India.

6: Who is the No. 1 Tech YouTube channel in India?

There’s no definitive answer, as popularity can fluctuate. However, many Indian tech YouTubers cover cybersecurity topics alongside broader technology content.

Moreover, you may start with Bytecode Security, Craw Security, etc.

7: Are there YouTube channels for Cyber Security that offer content in multiple languages?

In spite of the fact that the majority of the most popular channels are in English, YouTube provides features that automatically translate content, and some channels may have content that has been translated. You now have the option to search for channels that have content in the language that you speak.

8: Can I learn cyber security in 3 months from YouTube?

Your objectives will determine how much time you need to spend learning cybersecurity. YouTube has the potential to provide a solid foundation in just three months, but it is likely that mastering the area will take more time and an array of resources, such as participating in professional courses.

9: What are the cyber security news YouTube channels?

For more comprehensive information on YouTube channels that provide cybersecurity news, please refer to the blog in the aforementioned section.

10: Which stream is good for cyber security?

Although there is no singular “best” stream, Computer Science, Information Technology, or related disciplines provide a strong foundation for cybersecurity careers.


In conclusion, we would like to point out that there are a number of channels on YouTube from which you may begin gaining knowledge about the most effective cybersecurity methods and information.  If, on the other hand, you are interested in taking your knowledge of cybersecurity to the next level, you should consider subscribing to the YouTube channel of Bytecode Security right away in order to receive updates from the company.

As an additional point of interest, Bytecode Security, which is widely regarded as the best cybersecurity training institute in India, provides a wide variety of courses that are intended to provide you with the knowledge and abilities necessary to be successful in this industry.  You will be able to remain ahead of the curve and develop a lucrative career in cybersecurity for yourself with the assistance of our expert teachers and curriculum that is relevant to the industry.

If you would like more information, you can contact their highly skilled staff of educational counselors by calling their hotline mobile number +65-93515400 or by sending a message to them over WhatsApp.

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