Flow Control Statement Of Python

Flow Control Statement of Python

Flow Control Statement of Python: Flow control describes the order in which statements will be executed at runtime.

There are 3 types :

  1. Conditional Statements
  2. Iterative Statements
  3. Transfer Statements

flow of control in python

Conditional Statements :

If we have to write a program in which we want to execute a code on behalf of conditions then we come for Conditional Statements.

We have 3 types of Conditional Statements :

  1. if:
  2. if-else:
  3. if-elif-else: 


if :

In this statement, we have only 1 condition. If the condition is true, the program will be executed; otherwise, it comes out from the program.

Examples :

Q: How do you write a program that executes if the right name is given?

Soln :

name = input(“Enter your Name :”)
if name ==‘keshav’:
    print(“You print the right name”)

if-else :

If condition is true 1st Action will be executed otherwise 2nd Action.

Example :

Q: Passed or failed percentage-wise?

Soln :

p = int(input(‘Enter Your Percentage’))
if p>33 and p<100:

if-elif-else :

While using this statement, we create a program with multiple conditions.

Example :

Q: Make a Voting age criteria program.

Sol :

age = int(input(“Enter Your Age:”))
if age<18:
    print(‘You are under age\nYou are not eligible’)
elif age<=18 and age<90:
    print(‘You are eligible for voting’)
    print(‘You are over age’)

Iterative Statements :

These are the statements that help execute a group of statements multiple times.

There are 2 types of statements in Python:

  1. for loop
  2. while loop

Let’s  learn where these statements are to be used:

for loop:  

It is used to iterate over elements of a sequence or when you have a piece of code which you want to repeat “n” number of time.

Examples :

Q: If you want to print the number. from 1 to 100,?

Sol :  Let, a is a variable in which we stored a datatype(Range) , with the help of            which we can simply print numbers.

a = range(1,100,1)
for i in a:

Q => How to print any word/Name alphabet line by line?

Soln :

a = ‘Keshav’
for z in a:

Q: How do I you print the index value with list items?

Sol: For this, make a list of items. After that, read the code below:

a = [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’]
i = 0
for x in a:
i = i+1


Nested for loop :

for loop inside another for loop is known as Nested for loop.

Q: How to

Sol :

a = [‘Abhishek’,‘Nikhil’,‘Tarun’,‘Manyu’,‘Shivam’]
b = [‘How are You’]
for i in a:
      for j in b:

while loop:

The while loop in Python is used to iterate over a block of code as long as the test expression (condition) is true.

Examples :

Q: How do I print a number? from 11 to 20 by using a while loop?

Soln : 

x = 11
while x <=20:
      x = x+1

Q: How do you display the sum of the first n numbers?

Soln :

n = 18
sum = 0
i = 1
while i<=n:
      sum = sum+i
      i = i+1
print(‘The sum of first’,n,‘numbers is :’,sum)


Q: How do you write a program in which the user enters some name until they enter the right name?

Soln :

while name!=‘ksv’:
      name=input(“Enter Name:”)
print(‘Thanks ksv for the confirmation’)


Infinite loops :

In this loop the given statement iterate infinite times.

Q => Print a statement in which the no. and the word print infinite times ?

Soln :

i = 0
while True:
      i = i+1

Nested while loop :

while loop inside another while loop is known as Nested while loop.

Q: Send it 5 times when Keshav is online?

Soln :

a = 1
while a<3:
    print(‘Keshav is online)
    b = 1
    while b<6:

Transfer statements:

These are the statements used to continue or break the execution of the loop while giving some conditions.

There are 2 types:

  1. break
  2. continue

break :

A break statement is used inside loops to break loop execution based on some condition.

Examples :

Q What is the break value when it exceeds 50 inside a loop?

Soln :

for i in range(60):
if i ==51:

continue :

It can be used to skip the current iteration and continue the next iteration.

Example :

Q: Print the pass and fail students by verifying their marks.

Soln :

marks = [23,45,64,34,30,33,67,89,31,34,98]
for result in marks:
    if result >=33 and result<=100:


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